Lorem ipsum dolor sit

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ante augue, facilisis sit amet vehicula in, pretium vitae metus. Nam eget lorem arcu. Nam vitae laoreet ligula. Fusce sodales ex vitae hendrerit dapibus. Phasellus sagittis efficitur vehicula. Praesent arcu eros, scelerisque eget justo vel, consequat pretium turpis. Phasellus eget odio ut metus tincidunt ullamcorper. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Duis imperdiet at risus rhoncus efficitur. Morbi nec erat lectus. Sed tellus sem, dignissim in malesuada nec, pellentesque in libero. In aliquet urna suscipit urna tempor tristique.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ante augue, facilisis sit amet vehicula in, pretium vitae metus. Nam eget lorem arcu. Nam vitae laoreet ligula. Fusce sodales ex vitae hendrerit dapibus. Phasellus sagittis efficitur vehicula. Praesent arcu eros, scelerisque eget justo vel, consequat pretium turpis. Phasellus eget odio ut metus tincidunt ullamcorper. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Duis imperdiet at risus rhoncus efficitur. Morbi nec erat lectus. Sed tellus sem, dignissim in malesuada nec, pellentesque in libero. In aliquet urna suscipit urna tempor tristique.

Oh! Rose Is Me.

Ahhhh! the Beauty and Benefit of Roses.  We love to get them as tokens of love, admiration beauty and just because.  But what we don’t realize is just how wonderfully important they are.  The ancient

Food ForThought! Literally

Food! Food! Everywhere!!  Literally we can’t get enough of what to eat, from the simple to the exotic the palette can forever be satisfied.

Mmmmmm..goes the senses as we walk past rows and rows of restaurants in any major city or small town downtown area.  Never at a lost for choices, menus, quick bites, you name it, and it is there, but do we really think about eating, and what eating does to, and for how we think??  Natural born consumers in every sense of the word, from our eyes, ears, touch, smell and taste, we consume what makes us feel good.  However, “feel good foods” are not always the best options for promoting good health.  So my fellow “foodies” we are drawn to the love of taste, let not taste alone be our guide.

Our society has become much more health and consumption conscious and moving daily towards major dietary changes and the engagement with what we eat.   Food is very much a social device. It brings us together, entertains us and assist in our social, emotional connections and behaviors, but in our love of this form of comfort, do we really think about what we eat or just think about eating.  For example, many have chosen to become vegans, vegetarians, pesco-vegetarian and some continue to enjoy the consumption of there cultural, traditional or adopted diets.  However, what we fail to take into consider is the food combination of the items we eat.  As we are very aware of the plant based diet, it is just as important to understand the mixture of Alkaline and Acids.  Because our bodies are comprised of its own ecosystem, the consumption of the properly balanced food combination choices is just as important, if not more than that of your dietary change.


Beauty In The Eye of The Beholder!

What is Beauty?  Is it so shallowly defined that it forces one to strive to be as all others, or is Beauty what we desire, design, create or BE-HOLD?  I believe Beauty is all of these things.  As we are innately, deeply beautiful,  our own beauty cannot be so defined to be as anyone else……we are our own uniqueness.  Our beauty is incarnate and radiates the total essence of who we are from the inside out.  The way we see the world around us, the confidence we possess about ourselves, and the experiences we love and enjoy help  us to identify and decide what is Beauty, and what is Beautiful.  What you decide to BE-HOLD is your perception, and yours alone which need never be judged, or compared to what others or society deem as beauty or Beauti-ful.  YOU!! are beauty!  You are filled with it, covered with it, and it shines from your very core, so embrace it and behold it in everything you see, and feel. Bathe yourself in the BEAUTY that you Be-Hold, for it is your beholding that true Beauty is defined!

So how do we embrace the beauty within, and around us?  Let’s start with the senses.  Our greatest assets to embracing and beholding the beauty we see and feel. Feeling the smoothness of soft skin, seeing a field of colorful flowers, to the magnificent fragrances of nature and the outdoors, our wonderful senses stimulate endorphin’s in our brain.  Because of this, they cause us to love what makes us feel good, and see the beauty of things in a totally different way.  This experience is freeing and eye opening, and changes how we experience the worlds around us.  We are then provided a platform to “Be-Hold” Beauty in our own way which is unique to us and not be seen or experienced the same by any other. So step boldly, yet gracefully into the position of a Be-Holder with some of these helpful starters. 

Enjoy! and Happy Beholding!

Here are some tips to help you along your journey to becoming or being a Beauty Beholder:

  1. Enjoy the things that make you smile, laugh and feel as free as possible.
  2. Surround yourself with wonderful aromatic fragrances, pretty colors, flowers or art as a way to lift your spirits.
  3. Look around and find what inspires you and makes you unique…then embrace it and even share it.  It makes the inspiration more profound.
  4. Appreciate the things you love and enjoy about yourself and write it down. This will allow you  to reflect on yourself later.
  5. Do the “Watch and See” experiment- *sit outdoors in a park, open restaurant or any open space where you can watch and see other woman, people or objects and find something beautiful about them/it.
  6. Explore different Personas!  Have fun expressing a different era either your hairstyle, dressing or accessories your new look will bring out some new vibes for your personality and you may just fall in love with your creativity!
  7. Don’t look for your FLAWS!!!  But see what makes you valuable and speak beauty to yourself…*remember “Beauty is in the EYE of the Beholder!” BE-HOLD your beauty!
  8. Revisit the photos of yourself that you really like, while focusing on your own positives and the aspects of your beautiful appearance and style.
  9. Reaffirm your strengths and talents.
  10. Smile, Smile, Smile.,  



Let’s Face It!


There it is…up close and personal, “your face!”  It is the first impression maker, the presentation to the visible world and sets the tone of and for your day.  So, with that being said, you want to rest assured that your face looks and feels amazing!   To get there, our regiments are just as intense as military ‘push-ups’  We apply masks and toners for tightening, exfoliation for cleansing and renewal, cucumbers for bags and fatique, facial peels for complexion , cheek pats for circulation, hot towels to detoxify and head over the bed blood rushes to keep away wrinkles!, You name it, and I’m sure we’ve done it all.  All for the sake of our “first impression” to the day. Whew!! it’s a wonder we get to sleep at nights, and make it out the house at all in the morning.

So let’s put things in perspective shall we, so that we can be lovingly gentle to who we see looking back at us in the mirror, rather then gearing up for facial boot-camp. You definitely want to keep your face and skin looking clean, fresh and healthy.  Since it is a visual and non-verbal presentation, it is also a health meter.  The skin of your face says a lot more about you, and your well being. Over stimulation although seemingly beneficial, can also be quite harmful.  With so many products on the market claiming to be the miracle “end all be all,” the first best practice is always a good wash, remove the dirt, grit, grime and those nasty little “free radicals” that love your face as well.  Once you’ve done that a great toner to close up those open pores is next.  This step helps to tighten and tone that beautiful face of yours, follow with a moisturizer and you are really good to go.  Your skin knows how to repair, restore and revitalize itself.  The majority of any skin healing and or beautification usually starts from the inside out.  So pay attention to what you are putting inside of your body.  Feed your inside and your outside will speak your truth!

Keeping your face looking young, tight and toned by closing up the pores is key and prevents additional bacteria, germs and dirt from getting deep into the skin.  So, tone but don’t over do it!!.   My favorite toner is what I have created for my product line, a blend of rosewater, witch hazel and a specific blend of essential as the perfect facial toner . A good spritz after a warm wash and cold rinse to close and tight keeps my face feeling wonderful prior to applying any light make-up.   Finally a moisturizer for that added elasticity and subtle feel for your face, your skin will thank you for it with that beautiful radiant glow.  

How Essential Are Those Oils?

Oils, Oils, everywhere!!  Essential oils are, making a come back due to their renowned fame of, balancing emotional qualities, and assisting in immune imbalances. Their reemergence has greatly impacted what is now identified as “Holistic Healing and Wellness.” We see the uses of these seemingly magical elements in venues of, aromatherapy, supporting the immune system, pregnancy, skin care just to name a few. The use of essential oils are a great choice, as they contribute to our skin care, health and overall well-being.  It is however, very important to understand the “language of aroma’s” ie. “Top Note, Middle Note and Base Note.” Understanding all of these properly, will assist you with understanding the blended proportions, how they work with, and are received by the body and senses.  Also, when using Essential oils, it is extremely important to be knowledgeable of “oil safety,”  as not all oils can be used directly on the skin, and some are “photosensitizing,” which means they react to the sun so it is important to understand when and how to use them. 

But just how essential are those oils?  Well let’s take a closer look.  Essential oils are a phenomenal source and resource of natural remedies.  They have great potential to heal, restore, soothe and rejuvenate. These untapped elements  are extremely potent, and just as capable of potentially curing various ailments, as many have discovered, as any commercial product.  “Essential” is a great adjective for these wonderful oils especially since they are not actually oils; in the sense of containing “Fatty Acid” which is how we would associate an oil.

However, because essential oils are comprised of concentrate plant materials, they are filled with highly potent properties which makes them a great use for medicines and cosmetics.  They are well absorbed by the skin which makes their use very effective, and because of the antibacterial, anti-fungal and viral strengths, essential oils are a perfect source to clean the skin and support the healing of various wounds.

So, when seeking out your essential oils for the purpose of your choice….either Aromatherapy, skin care, health or healing, etc.  here are some VERY important things to consider and remember:

  1. Essential oils are powerfuland should never be used undiluted on the skin.
  2. Always combined your essential with called carrier oils, waxes, butters, alcohols, or other proper substance to dilute.
  3. **DO NOT FORGET TO DILUTE….these wonderful oils are extremely concentrated and should not be applied to the skin alone,  so to avoid any skin reaction follow this step completely.
  4. Always TEST first!  You will want to know if you are sensitive to a particular essential oil.
  5. When testing, add one drop of essential oil with 1/2 tsp carrier oil any of the following carrier oils: olive, jojoba, or sweet almond, grapeseed.
  6. Apply mixture into the inside, upper portion of your arm and wait a few hours. If no redness or itching develops, you’re most likely not sensitive to that essential oil.
  7. Never take orally or internally!!!

Store your essential oils in a dark glass jar or bottle.  I prefer Amber or Cobalt Blue, also the cooler and darker…..the better the longevity!!

So How Essentials are those Oils???  Very!!  So enjoy the fun of selecting the oils of your choice and doing a bit of health and healing experimentation.

 Happy Shopping!